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Witney Rifle Club


USERNAME:At least 4 chars
PASSWORD:At least 8 chars
EMAIL:This has to be valid
PHONE:Mobile or landline, inc. area code


that I agree that WRC may store my personal data in accordance with current Data Protection legislation, and will continue to do so solely for the purpose of administering my membership, to facilitate competitions and can be shared with law enforcement and other agencies as required by legislation (Data Protection Declaration);

that I am not a person prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (as ammended) (Section 21 Declaration);

that I am not currently the subject of a Police investigation or awaiting sentence and authorise the club to make any necessary enquiries to confirm this;

that I have never had my membership of a shooting club or shooting organisation refused or revoked;

that the information I have supplied is complete and accurate, and that I will inform the Secretary WRC immediately of any changes (physical, legal or medical), that may impact my membership of this club;

that I will keep my details up to date, making any changes as soon as practically possible after any change happens;

that I understand club membership can be terminated at any time for misuse of the club, it's furnishings, facilities and equipment; for shooting at an object other than an approved target; for dangerous or unsafe behaviour; for any reason deemed by the committee as unsuitable or inappropriate;

that I understand that the club committee reserves the right to refuse membership and is under no obligation to give a reason. I also understand there is no right of appeal should membership be refused.

PLEASE NOTE: Once your applcation has been verified by the club you will need to provide further details via the web site.