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Witney Rifle Club p41
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Practical Shooting

Witney Rifle Club Practical Shooting in association with Oxford Shooting Academy

Every second Sunday of the month, 13:00-17:00 will be a dedicated WRC Practical Shooting session.  It does have an additional charge to cover range rental. 


  1. Semi-auto rifle
  2. At least 2 x magazines of at least 20 rounds each
  3. 150+ rounds - we can easily get through a lot more than that so bring a box of 500!

The shooter will be moving around the range with a loaded rifle, we have to have VERY strict rules, in particular muzzle pointing down range ALL the time while active.

Scoring is electronic, via the club web site.  Scores can be seen [here].  If you don't have access, ask Mark Jackson.

If you don't have a suitable rifle, Oxford Shooting Academy (WRC are affiliated with OSA) will be able to rent you one, speak to Mark Jackson or Joe Warwick. OSA can also supply ammunition.

Range Concucting Officer Commands

At the start:

  1. Load
  2. Are you ready?
  3. Stand by

After the last shot:

  1. If you are finished unload and show clear
  2. Secure yout chamber
  3. Range is clear

Breakdown of each command


Insert magazine, lay rifle flat. Do not cock the rifle.

Are you ready?

Answer not needed unless not ready.

Stand by

At this point the timer is started. There is a random delay of up to five seconds.  Upon hearing the timer, pick up the rifle and cock it. Take the first shots then move to the next position.

If you are finished unload and show clear

Drop the magazine then hold the bolt open and show the clear chamber to the RCO.  The RCO will declare chamber as "clear" or may issue the next command.

Secure your chamber

Insert a chamber flag making sure the RCO can see what you are doing, then put the rifle down with the flag clearly visible.

Range is clear

No one is to move forward of the rifle before the range is declared as clear.


Always have the barrel pointing down range, you are holding a loaded and ready to fire rifle. Making a mistake here could be deadly and you will be disqualified if you don't follow this rule.

As the course is being shot, the RCO will follow the shooter closely with the timer facing the ejection port of the rifle.  This is to pick up the rifle sound. The time stops at each shot and will stop timing after the stop button is pressed.  You may follow the shooter and RCO down the course but keep your distance and stay at least a couple of meters behinf the RCO. Some courses may be conducted in reverse (starting closest to the targets then walking backwards with the rifle still pointing down range) in which case no one should move forward of any of the shooting positions other than the shooter and RCO.

Worth a mention

Our Practical Shooting differs from other forms of Practical Shooting because we have developed something that suites our range.

Almoat every course will include a compulsory magazine change, even if you have a 50 round drum!

In general we shoot from six positions. Each position has two targets and each target requires two shots. Some targets are scored, some just have to be hit. Some may have holes in the middle which mean's no score if you shoot through the hole.

You may shoot more than two shots at a target but they takes longer.  Some targets may have points decucted if hit in the wrong place.  Shome targets must be hit before continuing to the next position.

Some Tips

  1. If you have a jam, point the ejection port down and pull the charging handle back. Hold it back then turn the rifle to inspect the chamber. This is to assist and ejecting case/round in falling out and avoiding additional complications of the case/round falling back in.
  2. Change magazine before it is empty - if you have a round in the chamber you don't need to cock the rifle again.
  3. Change magazine while moving between positions, that way it saves you standing still while the timer is running.


The final score is the points divided by time. The faster you are the higher your score. The more targets you hit the higher your score.

There is often a lot of haggling over "it's in" or "there are two bullets through one hole", it's part of the fun.  However, in general we score in (meaning of you hit the line it counts as in).